LULLY, Cadmus et Hermione, 02 Premier Air des Faunes - (PATER (jean-baptiste), dans le parc 1728) (2023-11-23) |
LULLY, de profundis clamavi - (RODIN, les bourgeois de Calais ) (2024-01-07) |
LULLY, Dies irae, choeur final - (GRUNEWALD (Matthias), retable d Issenheim) (2024-03-29) |
LULLY, Jubilate Deo - (GENTILE da Fabriano, adoration des mages) (2020-12-25) |
LULLY, lacrimosa - (CARAVAGE, The Death of the Virgin) (2024-04-21) |
LYSSENKO (Mycola), dumka-shumka rhapsody 1877 - (TYMCHENKO (Marfa), memories about youth) (2022-03-03) |
LYSSENKO (Mycola), valse mlancolique op.17-1 - (PRIMACHENKO (Maria), pigeon and colombe) (2022-04-28) |
LYSSENKO (Mykola), priere pour l Ukraine - (Laure des Grottes de Kiev) (2022-03-16) |
LYSSENKO (Mykola), priere pour l Ukraine - (Associated Press Photos, jeunes ukrainiennes) (2022-03-17) |
LYSSENKO (Mykola), Song without words op 10-1 - (TYMCHENKO (Marfa), fleurs d Ukraine) (2024-02-25) |
Ma Sha Allah, l appel a la priere - (GUILLAUMET (Gustave), priere du soir dans le desert du Sahara) (2022-11-18) |
Mac WILLIAMS (David), days of pearly spencer - (Belfast Street Art, summer of 69) (0000-00-00) |
MADONNA, Another Suitcase In Another Hall@.jpg - (RENOIR, Young Woman with a Veil. 1876) (2023-02-16) |
MADONNA, frozen 1998 - (KOKOSCHKA (Oscar), bride of the wind 1914) (2021-11-23) |
MADONNA, the power of good-bye - (KLIMT (Gustav), dame with a muff) (2022-01-07) |
MADREDEUS, alma (fado) - (MURILLO, le jeune mendiant 1645) (2023-03-31) |
MADREDEUS, O pastor - (MALHOA (Jose), le medicament) (2022-01-11) |
MAGIC BOX, carillon - (GRANDMA MOSES, paysage rural) (2023-08-09) |
MAHLER (Gustav), symphonie 1 titan, extr 4e mt - (WOOD (grant) - american gothic) (2024-06-21) |
MAHLER (Gustav), symphonie n1 (Titan), 03 adagio (extrait3) - (FUSSLI, le cauchemar 1782) (2022-04-19) |