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obel (agnes) - riverside (chanson angl) 2014 @

obel (agnes) - riverside (chanson angl) 2014 @
(taille reelle)
Agnes OBEL - Riverside (2011)

Down by the river by the boats
Where everybody goes to be alone
Where you won't see any rising sun
Down to the river we will run

Agnes Obel, née Agnes Caroline Thaarup Obel le 28 octobre 1980 à Gentofte au Danemark, est une musicienne, compositrice et interprète danoise.
Son premier album Philharmonics (en) est sorti en 2010, certifié Disque d'Or par la Fédération internationale de l'industrie phonographique (IFPI). En octobre 2011, Agnes Obel remporte le prix European Border Breakers Awards 2012. En novembre 2011, Agnes Obel remporte la majorité des prix musicaux aux Danish Music Awards avec cinq prix : Meilleur album, Meilleure sortie Pop, Meilleure nouvelle artiste, Meilleure interprète féminine et meilleur auteur-compositeur.

Down by the river by the boats
Where everybody goes to be alone
Where you won't see any rising sun
Down to the river we will run

When by the water we drinks to the dregs
Look at the stones on the riverbed
I can tell from your eyes
You've never been by the riverside

Down by the water the riverbed
Somebody calls you somebody says
Swim with the current and float away
Down by the river every day

Oh my god I see how everything
is torn in the river deep
And I don't know why I go the way
Down by the riverside

When that old river runs past your eyes
To wash off the dirt on the riverside
Go to the water so every near
The river will be your eyes and ears

I walk to the borders on my own
Fall in the water just like a stone
Chilled to the marrow in them bones
Why do I go here alone

Oh my god I see how everything is torn in the river deep
And I don't know why I go the way
Down by the riverside
Oh oh Ah ah ah