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@brissaud - a l opera 1920
Brissaud is known for his pochoir (stencil) prints for the fashion magazine Gazette du Bon Ton published by Lucien Vogel, Paris. Many of his illustrations are realistic leisure scenes of the well-to-do. They illustrate the designs of Paris fashion houses such as Jeanne Lanvin, Chéruit, Worth, and Doucet. Brissaud's illustrations appeared in Vogue after it bought Bon Ton in 1925, as well as House & Garden and Fortune, and in books like Madame Bovary, Manon Lescaut, Mémoires de Saint-Simon and many others.
In 1907 he exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne.
Pierre Brissaud (23 December 1885 – 1964) was a French Art Deco illustrator, painter, and engraver whose father was Docteur Edouard Brissaud. He was born in Paris and trained at the École des Beaux-Arts and Atelier Fernand Cormon in Montmartre, Paris. His fellow Cormon students were his brother Jacques, André-Édouard Marty, Charles Martin, Georges Lepape. Students at the workshop drew, painted and designed wallpaper, furniture and posters. Earlier, Toulouse-Lautrec, van Gogh, and Henri Matisse had studied and worked there. His older brother Jacques Brissaud was a portrait and genre painter and his uncle Maurice Boutet de Monvel illustrated the fables of La Fontaine, songbooks for children and a life of Joan of Arc. A first cousin was the celebrated artist and celebrity portrait painter Bernard Boutet de Monvel.