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        jeudi 13 mars 2025 - 08h40
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villa casale

Life and Death in Rome Medea Sarcophagus (-140)
Medea, granddaughter of the sun god Helios and daughter of the king of Colchis, on the far side of the Black Sea, used her magical powers to help the Argonauts gain the Golden Fleece and fell in love with their leader, Jason. On returning home to Iol ...

Roman Villas - Luxury as a Lifestyle Centaur Mosaic (130 BCE - 120 BCE)
The centaur mosaic was found in the 18th century on the site of the sprawling, luxurious villa complex near Tivoli that once belonged to the Roman emperor Hadrian. The mosaic was found in situ along with other smaller ones that bore depictions of lan ...

Luca della Robbia - Christ and St Thomas
The Florentine sculptor Luca della Robbia came to fame thanks to a technical innovation: the discovery of a ceramic glaze made according to a special recipe. Luca was hailed by Leon Battista Alberti as 'worthy of admiration', no doubt because he cons ...

Chest Of Sarcophagus; Lion Hunt 240BC
From the 2nd to the 4th century, many Romans were laid to rest in a marble coffin with relief decoration, known as a sarcophagus. The word means ‘flesh-eater’ in Greek.The Glyptotek has a large collection of sarcophagi from tombs in Rome ...

Enthroned Woman With Infants (-298 - -198)
The enthroned woman holds four babies in her lap while breast-feeding the uppermost. The figure is one of many of the type discovered in a sanctuary at Capua in Campania. The sanctuary was consecrated to a fertility or mother goddess, possibly Fortun ...