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Alexandre IVANOV (1806-1858)

Alexandre IVANOV (1806-1858)
ivanov - Apollo, Hyacinthus and Cyparissus Singing and Playing Music. 1831-1834. Oil on canvas. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia   
ivanov - Apollo, Hyacinthus and Cyparissus Singing and Playing Music. 1831-1834. Oil on canvas. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.jpg

Alexandre IVANOV (1806-1858)
ivanov - Nude Boy on a White Blanket. 1850s. Oil on canvas. Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia   
ivanov - Nude Boy on a White Blanket. 1850s. Oil on canvas. Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.jpg

IVANOV - apparition du Christ au peuple
ivanov - The Appearance of Christ to the People. 1837-1857. Oil on canvas. 540 cm x 750 cm. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia   
ivanov - The Appearance of Christ to the People. 1837-1857. Oil on canvas. 540 cm x 750 cm. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.jpg