Chicago - Art Institute @chicago - art institute |
Bernat Martorell - saint-george terrassant le dragon 1434 The Art Institute of Chicago |
caillebotte - jour de pluie a paris 1877 The Art Institute of Chicago |
degas - The Millinery Shop 1879 The Art Institute of Chicago |
Edouard DEGAS - ballet a l'Opera de Paris (detail) degas - ballet a l opera de paris 1877 The Art Institute of Chicago |
gauguin - Arlesiennes (Mistral) 1888 The Art Institute of Chicago |
Grant WOOD - american gothic grant wood - American Gothic 1930 The Art Institute of Chicago |
Winslow HOMER - scene de jeu de croquet homer - Croquet Scene 1866 The Art Institute of Chicago |
homer - The Herring Net 1885 The Art Institute of Chicago |
hopper - Nighthawks 1942 The Art Institute of Chicago |
manet - jesus moque par les soldats 1865 The Art Institute of Chicago |
monet - arrivee du train de normandie gare st lazare 1877 The Art Institute of Chicago |
monet - marche sur les falaises a pourville 1882 The Art Institute of Chicago |
rembrandt - vieil homme avec une chaine en or 1631 The Art Institute of Chicago |
renoir - deux soeurs (sur la terrasse) 1881 The Art Institute of Chicago |
sargent - The Fountain, Villa Torlonia, Frascati, Italy 1907 The Art Institute of Chicago |
seurat - un dimanche a la grande jatte 1884 The Art Institute of Chicago () |
seurat - un dimanche a la grande jatte 1884 The Art Institute of Chicago (detail) |
tiepolo - Rinaldo Enchanted by Armida 1742 The Art Institute of Chicago |
toulouse-lautrec - au moulin rouge 1892 The Art Institute of Chicago |
whistler - Nocturne- Blue and Gold--Southampton Water 1872 The Art Institute of Chicago |