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   .. / rotterdam museum boijmans van beuningen

Rotterdam - Musee Boijmans van Beuningen

Le musée Boijmans Van Beuningen est un musée de peintures anciennes et modernes de la ville de Rotterdam aux Pays-Bas.
L'histoire du Musée Boijmans Van Beuningen commence en 1841 lorsque Frans Jacob Otto Boijmans (1767-1847) lègue de nombreuses œuvres à la ville de Rotterdam. Le musée ouvre ses portes le 3 juillet 1849. Cependant, à la suite d'un terrible incendie en 1864, une partie de la collection est perdue. En 1935, Ad van der Steur, un architecte hollandais du début du xxe siècle, aidé par l'ancien directeur du musée Dirk Hannema, décident de faire construire un nouveau bâtiment qui serait plus adapté et qui offrirait une meilleure muséographie. En 1958, la collection est grossie par le leg de Daniël George van Beuningen qui donnera son nom au musée.
On peut y voir une version de La Tour de Babel de Pieter Bruegel l'Ancien, des tableaux de Rembrandt, Vincent van Gogh et de divers maîtres du xxe siècle.
@rotterdam musee boijmans van beuningen (E)
Le musée Boijmans Van Beuningen est un musée de peintures anciennes et modernes de la ville de Rotterdam aux Pays-Bas.
L'histoire du Musée Boijmans Van Beuningen commence en 1841 lorsque Frans Jacob Otto Boijmans ( ...










































Adriaen van Wesel - le dernier repas

This medieval wooden sculpture by Adriaen van Wesel represents a scene from the life of Christ. It is now presented as an independent work, but that was not the artist’s intention. The piece originally formed part of a far larger retable, or altarpiece, comprising a number of sculptures.
In the past, particularly in the nineteenth century, altars were often dismantled or cut into separate parts, each of which was sold individually. As a result, they were scattered among various collections in different parts of the world. In 1475, Van Wesel was commissioned to make a large altarpiece depicting the Life of the Virgin for a chapel in Saint Jan’s Cathedral in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. That, too, was later divided up. Some of its components are now in museums in the Netherlands and abroad, such as the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Gruuthuse Museum in Bruges.
It is impossible to identify the altarpiece to which The Last Supper originally belonged. It was probably an altarpiece illustrating the Passion of Christ. The Passion, along with the Life of the Virgin, was a popular subject in late mediaeval art. The exact provenance of the work is unlikely ever to be known.
van wesel (adriaen) - The Last Supper 1480 Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (E)
This medieval wooden sculpture by Adriaen van Wesel represents a scene from the life of Christ. It is now presented as an independent work, but that was not the artist’s intention. The piece originally formed part of a far larger reta ...