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fischer (lidwig-hans) - bedoins dans une tempete de sable 1891

(taille reelle)
Ludwig Hans Fischer (1848 Salzburg - 1915) was an Austrian landscape painter and etcher.
A pupil, at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, of Eduard von Lichtenfels in painting, of Louis Jacoby in engraving, and of William Unger in etching, he completed his studies traveling in Italy, Spain, North Africa, Egypt, and India, and afterwards settled in Vienna. Besides a number of oil paintings, he executed for the Vienna Museum of Natural History nine decorative landscapes (1889). Among his series of etchings and engravings, the cycle “Historical Landscapes from Austria-Hungary” is his most remarkable production. He also painted many water-colors, and published Die Technik der Aquarellmalerei (7th ed. 1898).